Holbrook sources investments through its own industry research and cumulative knowledge, proprietary quantitative screens, and industry relationships.
When evaluating a prospective investment, Holbrook determines the enterprise value of the asset under consideration. This enables us to determine the best opportunities within the company’s capital structure. Holbrook employs numerous valuation methodologies and often couples this with its own quantitative techniques.
We are constantly comparing the risk-adjusted returns of our holdings to prospective investments and other investments in the portfolio. No investment is made without considering and monitoring the opposite investment case.
Our portfolio is diversified yet concentrated. Each investment is heavily researched and intended to have a positive marginal impact on the portfolio. No one investment dominates the portfolio, but each investment matters and Holbrook does not hesitate to lean in when it identifies an extreme inefficiency. We can layer in hedges and make negative bets when appropriate.
Value through vision, transformation through technology.